Saturday, March 14, 2020

Murals! March 15, 2020

It's Almost St. Patrick's Day, and today's inspiration is from the Murals at the Irish American Heritage Center in Chicago (Thank you Ms. Erin for taking me there with Fiona a few years ago... and Thank you Lisa for sharing this article with me today.)....

It's amazing what Art is around us... and if we pay attention, what ART is, and why IS IT THERE?

Here's a lovely article to read about the Murals, and the Artist, Edward Cox, featured in the Chicago Sun Times.

Artist Challenge for March 15th... If you could create a MURAL inspired by your own heritage... a favorite story, poem, or written bit of inspiration, what would it be?  Draw it, Paint it, and Share with us!.....

Share your artwork here!  email me here!

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