Friday, December 26, 2014

New Students - New Lessons - 15 for 2015 by 1-15-15 and save 15%

Purchase 15 in 2015

and save 15% off New Registration!!!

Purchase an Art Card* for 15 Individual
 or Group Workshop Lessons 
by January 15, 2015, 
and save 15% off Regular Tuition Price.

15 Individual Lessons $425 (2 free lessons)
15 Group Workshops  $375 (2 free lessons)

*Pre-Pay for an Art Card for 10 or 15 art lessons.
Basic Supplies and Materials will be included, Students will be encouraged to purchase and build their own art supply kit as skill and individual art disciplines are learned.  Education on what materials to purchase and where to buy them are all part of the learning packet that Suzanne builds.  Portfolio Development is also encouraged.